REST Resource

Rest Resource is the core package in my set of tools for writing and consuming HATEOAS web services. You can downloaded from nuget, along with other packages that allow you to return data and links to web service calls in formats like JSON, XML, and HTML, or extend into your own custom options. This library is written in C# and the code can be found on GitHub. The code base includes not only the source for these libraries, but also unit test and a test web service and consuming console application that demosntrat usage. I would love to add more libraries for other languages and platforms, so if you are interested, please contact me.

I am going to assume some familiarty with REST and HATEOAS, but will still start out with the basic: how to return data and links that respresent the state of a resource returned from a web service. The first thing to show is how to create a controller that returns a Hello World message from an ASP.NET controller. Before adding the code to the controller, let’s do some set up for our application.

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